Tuesday, August 4, 2015

No One Knows What To Do With the Confederate Flag...

I agree with this post in Voice of Texas to a certain extent.

I think that recognizing our mistakes as a country and still respecting it's history are important. I completely agree that statues of men who did a lot more for our country than support slavery should stay up, next to those who didn't. I agree that censorship is not the answer.

However, I don't believe that that is what we are doing by taking down the Confederate flag from public places. I think the point is that Americans who condone the symbol of the Confederacy are very proud of it, when it really was not our proudest moment as a country. While we fought for much more than not abolishing slavery, it was a greater issue of the war. I think that to take down confederate flags and put them into our history museums is not to censor our mistakes, but rather to make it known that they are history and not still happening in the present.

In addition, our country unfortunately is still dealing with racism.

In my opinion, the best way for our country to push past racism is to eliminate confederate symbols as an existing symbol of pride, and make it more of a symbol of the past. After all, this generation did not fight in the Civil War. Our African American peers were not slaves. It is time for us all to learn from, and live a separate, more united history than our ancestors.

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